Peperomia Hope



The Peperomia Hope is a beautiful trailing variety of Peperomia. Its thick foliage grows on a long trailing vine, and is coin-shaped and bright green with light green stripes. Like other trailing vines, it can be trained up a coir pole, across ceilings, or around stair rails. The young vines will first grow upwards, then will begin to trail. 

Habitat: For a bushier plant pinch tips through spring and summer months to encourage additional shoots to form.  Prefers to be kept in warmer temperatures, and away from draughts.
Light: Medium to bright, indirect light.
Water: Water from dry only. Leaf loss is a sign of over-watering.
Soil: Use a peat-based soil. Allow soil to dry out between watering's. Allow to drain.
Fertiliser: Is only required once a year, through its growing season.

SKU: 10000-140 TAGS: Birthday, Thank You, Sympathy, New Born, New Home, Anniversary

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